I do apologize though. It is a blonde joke. I don't know why blonde's are always the butt of a joke.
A blonde read that milk was good for the skin. She decided to take a milk bath. She called the milkman and told him for her next delivery, she would next 25 gallons of milk. Knowing she only got one gallon at a time, asked her if she was mistaken. She explained that she was not mistaken. That she had read milk was good for the skin and was going to take a milk bath. He then asked her if she wanted pasteurized? She thought about it and said, 'no. Just to my shoulders.'
I would like to thank everyone who voted for me in the photo contest. The top 40 photos from each category have been forwarded to the judges. I believe at least three of my photos were forwarded. I have not heard anything yet, but will let you know when I do.