Had to rush Ralphy to the vet this morning. He hadn't eaten anything since Thursday night. Last night he was very lethargic. My old gal woke me this morning around four. She really has no sense of time anymore. I just lay in bed for awhile. I heard someone gagging and jump out of bed to find out who. It was Ralphy. He threw up pinkish bile. I called and left a message with the vet and said I have to bring him in as soon as possible.
Before the vet called back, he didn't seem as lethargic, but he would not eat. He was interested, but wouldn't even try.
So the vet calls and I go speeding up the parkway. They examine him and took blood. The vet said that he didn't feel anything in his stomach area that would give him concern. He also said that he wasn't in any discomfort when doing the examine. He thinks that because he is an indoor/outdoor cat, he picked up a bug and gave him a shot of antibiotic and gave me pills to give him.
When we get home, he runs out of the carrier - straight for the food bowl and finished what food was left in there. He hasn't eaten anything since. I have tried treats, milk, cheese, his favorite- pepperoni. I have three bowls of food down hoping one would interest him. I finally tried laughing cow cheese and he ate some of that.
I'm hoping that his stomach is still upset and this is why he's not eating. Other then not eating, he's not totally back to normal but better then yesterday. He seems tired, but his eyes have life in them and he wants me to pet him and he is talking. Not as much as normal, but I hadn't heard his friendly mews in two days.
I keep asking the angels to get my handsome boy better soon.
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