I've been thinking for a while now about putting flower beds on either side of my sidewalk. Debating about how big they should be. What I want to put in these beds. I've also been thinking about the added work this would be. However, I know that once I get an idea in my head, I'm gonna do it.
Yesterday my neighbor calls and said she has the butterfly bush we were talking about. I must be losing my memory because I do not remember this conversation. However, it's a butterfly bush, which I have been wanting to get. And best of all, it's free.
In my head, I have these beds designed. (I know they won't look like what I plan). So now I go to Walmart. I pick up some edging. Then the bulb and seed aisle. I got Lily of the Valley, Freesias and elephant ears. I also got some solar lights.
When I got home, I plant the butterfly bush. Then I decide to edge the walk. I haven't edged in years. I must say that I did a good job and didn't realize how wide my walk was. It looks very nice. While I was out there, my neighbors son came out. He's wife has been very sick and is in the hospital. They have two sons, that my neighbor has been watching for them. He is unload more baby stuff from the car and I ask how his wife is doing. She is doing much better. He says that he didn't realize how much work and how needy the kids were. I asked him if he thought they would just pop out and start fending for themselves. I got a chuckle from this. He however didn't appreciate my sense of humor. Oh well.
I haven't seen this yet. I'm looking forward to it. You always make such a beautiful job of such things. I haven't even begun the front yet.
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Lisa
Happy Birthday to you
Hope and the kitties and me send big hugs
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