I would like to talk about my baby. I know this may sound stupid to some, but my baby is my cat. I have had her now for close to twelve years. In those past twelve years she has always been there for me and with me. She almost always greets me at the door when I come home with sweet meows and cuddles. You see, I live alone. All of my immediate family has passed away and it is nice to feel important and needed to someone, even if they are covered in fur and walk on four legs. The picture above is when she could really jump and get on top of things, but with age, she has started to slow down. Every now and then she acts like a playful kitten and we run around the house or I am down on the floor tussling with her. Now that it is getting colder she usually is laying on my lap or under the covers at night. In the warmer weather, we usually go outside and enjoy the day. She doesn't have claws and can't fight worth a darn so she is on a leash with about 30 feet of line to roam. She is not a birder at all, but she goes through the motions like "I'm gonna get you this time", but she never does. I just sit there and watch her and laugh.

Now the two kittens. Let me go back in time to last year. I was going to mow the lawn and when I went into the shed to get the mower out, to my fright, there was a snake under the mower. Now I am not afraid of much in this world, but snakes are my number ONE fear. I screamed and ran for my life. I called a friend and told him to come save me. Well after ten minutes, I called again. He was pouring himself a cup of coffee. The nerve. I bascially said screw the coffee I need to mow. He came over and got rid of the snake. Now fast forward to this year. I always have a certain fear now when opening the shed doors. This year when I opened the doors there was a lot of movement. Now I know snakes can't fly and they are basically on the ground most of the time, but I let out another scream. But this time I kind of saw an orange swirl. Now I am racking my brain trying to think if there are any orange snakes. Ever so carefully I inched my way into the shed and what do I see but two tiny orange kittens. The cutest little things. The big orange swirl was their mama. Well of course I had to try to befriend them and they didn't want anything to do with me. As a matter of fact, one clawed my finger. Now I am mowing the lawn and wondering if I should call animal control or not. I decided that if they keep the snakes out of the shed they could stay and I would try to find homes for them. It took awhile before they trusted me, but now they do. Try as I might, I cannot find homes for them. My back porch looks like kitty cat city.

This cute little one is Tiger Lily. She is rough, tough and stealthy like a tiger, but sometimes as tranquil as a Lily. She has now grown into those ears and quite a pretty little thing.
Now for the big guy. This is Ralph Mouth. Yes Ralph Mouth from Happy Days. He is always talking, sometimes acting funny and a red head. He is the most affectionate of the two. I had made a comment to my friend Barb that I think he's gay. The only really manly thing about him is his stomach.
I would like to bring them inside now, but my baby doesn't want anything to do with them and because my baby is old and not feeling her best, I will abide by her wishes.
Well blogger friends, this is another ramble coming to an end, until next time, if you have a four legged furry family member baby, give them a hug, tell them you love them and give them a kiss for being the special things they are.