Thursday, February 14, 2008

I've been tagged. TWICE

Hello All! I have been tagged twice for a meme. The first to tag me was Bobbie The second to tag me was Shelly This meme is to share habits and quirks of mine. This is very hard for me because as you see you can't mess with perfection. Somehow I managed to come up with at least 12 for my two tags. Alright now lets get down to business. The rules for this meme are as follows:

Link to the person who tagged you.

1) Post the rules on your blog.

2) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.

3) Tag six random people at the end of your post, by linking to their blogs.

4) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment
on their website.

5) Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

So now that the rules are out of the way, here is my list.

- I am a creature of habit.

- I like everything in its place.

- It annoys me when driver's don't use turn signals.

- I cannot get into an unmade bed to sleep. The bed must be made.

- I cannot read a book without the TV on.

- People faking helplessness annoy me.

- I am at least a pot a day coffee drinker.

- People who think they have the right to try to belittle others.

- I cannot be intimidated, (by the people I referenced above)

- People who spell "a lot" wrong.

- Whiney children

- People who want respect, but haven't earned it or given it.

Okay, there are my twelve quirks. I have to go now, because the patty wagon is out front waiting for me. But before I go I have tagged the following people.

Cliff Ralph Rachel Mary Lene Laura



bobbie said...

You did good, Kiddo. Can't believe you got tagged twice! And you doubled your efforts because you're too nice to say No.

Dianne said...

Great list. Most of them sound like good character traits more than quirks.

I can't sleep in an unmade bed either - goes hand in hand with hating a sink full of dishes I think but is then odd since I can't fold sheets - but I can stretch them til they look flat. ;)

Mary said...

Oh, my. I have so many quirks it will take me days to list them :o)

I'm with you on some of your quirks including bad drivers and those who feign helplessness.

It's nice to know you better!

Cliff said...

Good Morning VG. I am about done with this meme and although I don't do them I am in the process of finishing a blog about this an one other. I do want compare and contrast myself with you.
I am a creature of habit.
I'm not.
- I like everything in its place.
That would be nice but just can't do it. See the new post when I get it done. (I am the anti-Monk)
- It annoys me when driver's don't use turn signals.
Me too.
- I cannot get into an unmade bed to sleep. The bed must be made.
I could sleep on a bed with everything missing but the mattress.
- I cannot read a book without the TV on.
I like the TV running all of the time.
- People faking helplessness annoy me.
Me too. I didn't let my kids learn that I don't put up with it either. That's why my HHS blog was written.
- I am at least a pot a day coffee drinker.
I drink Iced Tea constantly.
- People who think they have the right to try to belittle others.
Yeah, one of my pet peeves. I hate bullies, just ask my kids.
- I cannot be intimidated, (by the people I referenced above)
- People who spell "a lot" wrong.
I don't know allot of people who would do that.
- Whiney children
Yep, me too.
- People who want respect, but haven't earned it or given it.
No kidding.
Now I'll go finish my quirky stuff.