Saturday, February 2, 2008


I take ceramics class once a week. It is a nice night out to be with somewhat normal people. What I like about the girls in the class is that there isn't a bunch of gossiping. We are all there just to escape the everyday hassles and have fun. We like to go out for dinner at least once a year and this we did this past Thursday night. One of the girls told us this joke.

A little girl goes to her mom and says "Mommy I want to take the dog for a walk." The mom says, "Sorry honey, but you can't do that." The girls says, "but mommy I just want to walk the dog around the block." The mom says, "sorry honey, but the dog is in heat and you cannot take her for a walk." The little girl goes into the garage where her daddy is working and says, "Daddy, I want to take the dog for a walk." The dad says, "Sorry honey, but you cannot take the dog for a walk because she is in heat." The little girl says, "But daddy, I want to take the dog for a walk." The dad gets a rag with gasoline on it and rubs it all over the dogs rear end and tells his little girl to walk the dog around the block and come right home. A little while later the little girl come back without the dog. The dad says to the little girl, "Where's the dog?" The little girl said, "she ran out of gas and another dog is pushing her home."

Hope everyone has a fun weekend.

1 comment:

Cliff said...

I'd never heard that joke.. good one. Thanks for posting.
The racoon in the back yard added a little excitement to your life. The only time we see them up around our farm building is when they get sick and are dying. Nasty.
Your office looks very nice. I'm glad you're happy with it.