Today was a beautiful sunny day compared to yesterday. I took my cat out to get some fresh air and sun. While we were out there, there was this noise. I cannot described the sound, but the cat and I looked over in the direction of the noise. It happened again so over to investigate. I took one look, ran in the house for the phone and my camera. I called Bobbie. The call kind of went like this, "Barb, grab your camera and go out back, by Lori's fence and look over to where her shed is. There is a bird. A big bird. I don't know if it is a guinea hen or a quail." I am over by the corner of the yard, trying to get a picture of this bird, but with the holly tree and bamboo I can't get a good shot. Barb is now over on the other side of Lori's yard trying to get pictures. I decide to go in Lori's yard, but still couldn't get any good pictures. The bird was spooked with me in the yard and Barb trying to get a good picture. Barb decided to go in because she ran out of the house without her coat and was cold. I decided to call animal control. We have quite a few stray cats in the neighborhood and I didn't want the bird to get hurt worse than it obviously was. I am friends with our animal control officer. I called him on his cell phone. I said "Hi Don, how are you?" He said "fine". I said "there is a big bird in my neighbor's yard. I don't know what it is, but with the stray cats in the area, I don't want this poor bird to get hurt." Don said "I been there in a couple of minutes." He pulled up and got a cage and gloves out of the truck. I guess he thought I was kidding about it being big. Barb, her daughter Rita and me with camera's in hand head for Lori's back yard with Don picking up the rear. We show Don where the bird was and he says, "I think I better get the net."
Three woman with cameras closed in on this poor bird. He was getting very upset and we backed off, but stayed close enough that he wouldn't get away. Don netted him and we got him in the cage and we got more pictures.
Don was leaving and some of the neighbor's came out and over to Don's truck. All you could hear is "Oh what a pretty bird." Turned out the bird was in their yard earlier in the morning. Don was taking him to a gentleman in Elorda who rehabs wildlife. I hope the big guy mends. As Barb and I were parting, I said to Barb, "See, we didn't have go anywhere and we had a wildlife bird experience and hopefully good pictures."
I looked what kind of bird it was on one of my favorite bird site, All About Birds and it was a ring-necked pheasant. So far in the past couple of months I have had raccoons and now a pheasant. Maybe next time when I go out back, I will see panda bears eating the bamboo. Have at it guys. That would be an all you can eat free buffet.
I looked what kind of bird it was on one of my favorite bird site, All About Birds and it was a ring-necked pheasant. So far in the past couple of months I have had raccoons and now a pheasant. Maybe next time when I go out back, I will see panda bears eating the bamboo. Have at it guys. That would be an all you can eat free buffet.
Oh my, he's beautiful! When I was a kid my fathers silent partner had a bird sanctuary, it was the most amazing place to be. I recognized the ringneck right away, it brought back wonderful memories. Thanks for the photos!
wow - he is beautiful - thanks so much for the photos and for the story. I could picture every moment.
I didn't realize you and Bobbie were neighbors - cool!
I wish our animal control people were as responsive and nice as Don.
We have many of these birds on our farm. As of late they have been coming up around our house in the afternoon to feed around the grain bins. Up until last week it was the only clear ground they could find because of the snow. Marilyn was here alone about two weeks ago and she heard a bang and out of the corner of her eye saw something hit the window. It was a ringneck trying to fly thru the window. He was dazed for a bit but was okay.
Cats are pheasants biggest enemies in the wild.
I agree with what they all said, "What a pretty bird!!!" They are so colorful. I hope this one mends okay!!
Maybe your next visits will be skunks!! :)
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