The day was beautiful. No clouds. No rain. Cool temperatures. Simply a beautiful day. I decided the first order of business was to mow the lawn. I was half way through when the mower became very hard to push. I noticed that the front wheel had become uneven with the rest. I turned the mower off and went to lift it to readjust the wheel. Well my not thinking side took over and instead of grabbing the mower by the wheel, I grabbed the engine instead. I burned three of my fingers. Running cold water over them, they felt pretty good and returned to mowing. When I was done, they really started burning, so I grabbed the ice. Then I remembered a comment Kay made about putting tea on sunburn. I figured what the hell and tried it. Thank you Kay. Worked wonders. No burning. No pain. So if you burn yourself, soak tea bags in warm water and soak the burned area. Don't rinse, just wipe the tea water off and you should be feel in no time.Today I went to the Point. First stop Lily Lake.
Click to enlarge and see the resting mallards.
Path over dune
Ferry in the distance with small wave crashing onto rock pileI generally don't take pictures of people, but today I made an exception.
These two Mennonite girls were too interesting to not take their picture.
I don't know if they realized I was taking their picture, but I sure hope the don't mind.
Click to enlarge.She has a great expression.
Family of swifts.
Click to enlarge.See the little one peeking out?
Along the trail
Peaceful and serene.
Cape May Lighthouse
After I left the Point, I was riding down the road and made a quick u-turn.
I ride past this pasture all the time. The only thing I seen are horses. Not today.
A cute little calf.
I tried to get a better angle and got the shock of my life. I mean that literally. There was an electrified wire surrounding the top of the fence. OMG did that hurt. I don't no if it was the shock, but about five minutes later I got a nasty headache.
So I had enough pain for one day and came home.
I have to say that today was the best day. Weather wise and experience wise.
But all good things must come to and end. I will now have to wear long pants. Ugh. Worst yet. Socks and shoes. I have not worn them in ten days.
So until next time, enjoy yourself.