Just like the title, I am all over the place today. I woke up this morning with a migraine. I get the ocular migraines. You know, the ones with the light show. When I see one coming on, if I take Tylenol, I usually don't get that bad of a headache. But if I wake up with one, I have the headache all day. The only thing that seems to help is caffeine and time. I started with migraines a couple of years ago. This is something that I apparently inherited from my mom. Thanks a lot mom. Another, I call it side effect, with my migraines is I get scatter brained. I have a hard time concentrating on one thing. Like typing this. I can't tell you how many times I have gotten up to do something or just totally forgot what I was going to type. What really sucks with this one is, today is a gorgeous day. The weather is sunny and in the 60's. This is the kind of day when I want to be outside working in the yard or just roaming around looking for a new place to take pictures. Oh well. Spring will be here soon enough and I will be able to play then.My neighbor pissed me off royally this week. I came home for lunch and she came out to ask a question. I work in Planning and Zoning in the Township I live. People love me when I tell them that there isn't a problem with the addition or whatever it is they want to do. They hate me when I tell them they need a variance, site plan, etc. because it doesn't meet the zoning requirements. The latter was with my neighbor. She wants to do an addition to the side of her house. She would not meet her side yard setback. I told her she could come out six foot. She said that six foot bedroom's isn't big enough. I said she could move some interior walls around. She said she liked her living room the way it was and was not going to move walls. Fine. Then go for a variance. She said no neighbor would complain. I said one may. She doesn't get along with her next door neighbor. I have to go back in time here. Her next door neighbor put a rather large shed in the back yard. No permit. My neighbor complains to me about it. I personally didn't care. I told her to complain to Code Enforcement. She asked me if I would for her. I did. I didn't tell him who, but said one of the neighbor's asked me to tell you. Well between the Code Enforcement guy and the neighbor's son, my blood pressure went through the roof. I actually got into a fight with the son in the office. What did my neighbor who complained do. NOTHING. She thought it was funny. Back to present. She brought that up about how that guy doesn't know what's wrong with me and so on. I lost it. Mind you I am PMS'ing and really don't give a shit. I said I am so tired of the cowardly people around here. Tell him next time he starts talking about me to come to me and said it to my face. I said he wouldn't because no one around here has the balls. They rather talk about someone behind their back. And another thing, you were the one would complained about the shed. Did you tell them that. I DON'T THINK SO. So if they start on me, which I am sure they won't, I will make sure they know who complained. She started about other things also, but I think she realized she better back off. People like this I do not help again, ever. Last weekend I tried to do an entry, but blogger was giving me a hard time adding pictures. So I just decided to give up and try again another time. So the time is now.I was outside having a smoke and just looking at the kittens and decided to do a kitten update. I cannot believe how big they have gotten. They are almost one year old. I am not sure when they were born so I decided we would celebrate our birthday's together. So the big day will be April 2. They will be the big 1 and I will be the bigger 41.This first picture is of Tyger Lily. She is about six months old in this picture. Poor thing is so geeking looking with those big ears. As with all my furry little friends I give them nicknames. Hers are Tyg, little yip or yipper because she doesn't meow she yips, and you nasty little bitch, because all of a sudden she attacks. For the most part I have gotten her out of using her claws on me and biting me. Sometimes she regresses. What I find amusing about her is she loves her stomach rubbed. When I am outside she will come over for some petting. Next thing she on her back with me rubbing her tummy with a cute little smile on her face. She also has one black whisker. All the others are white.
As you can see, she is starting to grow into those ears.
Isn't she pretty.
This is Tiger and my baby. This is the closest the two have ever been to one another. My baby didn't or still doesn't like her. She would chase Tiger whenever she came near. I guess there is hope that they will become friends.
This one is Ralph Month, who lives up to his name. He is a talker. In this picture it looks like he has this big head on a little body. That has changed big time. He is really a very handsome cat. In a previous entry I said that I thought he was gay and the only manly thing about him was his stomach. That really hasn't changed too much. I find him the most amusing. He tries to catch his tail. It is funny to watch. He has this manly size belly and a short tail. Most of the time he ends up on his butt. Even on his butt he has a hard time getting his tail. He has more nicknames then Tiger. His are Ralphy boy, handsome, whimpy, the mouth, pesty and so on.
This isn't one of the best pictures I have of him, but you can really see his marking. He is different shades of orange, he has stripes, has some white dots and has tortoise shell markings. When I first discovered these two in the shed ,my first reaction was to call animal control. Then I said they could stay and I would try and tame them and find them good homes. Well I never knew how hard it was to find homes for kittens. Everybody would say "oh aren't they cute". I would ask if they wanted them. They would say "no. They grow into cats". Well duh. Yeah they do. Guess what you were a baby once and grow into an adult. What's your point? Well I have become too attached now to even think about giving them to anyone. So now if someone asked if I have children I say yes. I have three.
This is my baby and Ralph. My baby likes Ralph. She is about 15 or 16 years old and weighs about six or seven pounds. He isn't even one yet and weighs about 14 pounds. I think he senses that she is old and frail and is very gentle with her.
Onto another topic. A couple of weekends ago before an owl watch. I went outside for yes another smoke. When I went out it was odd because no birds were chirping. I started to look around and I saw this bird in the tree.
I think my pictures enlarge now when you click on them, so if you click on the one below you will see him/her in the center of the picture. I had no idea what type of bird this was. When I went to the owl watch, I described the bird and asked her what she thought it was. She is pretty sure it is juvenile Cooper's Hawk. Apparently they prey on small birds and this is why it was so quiet.
While I was trying to get pictures of the Hawk, I saw this pretty cool rainbow.
Last Saturday was a rainy-nasty day. I grab the camera and went out for some pictures. This isn't a very good picture, but I like it because of the fog.This was taken at the Cape May Harbor.
The name of this sailboat is Reflection. It is a J-24. I know all of this because I used to sail on it. I sailed for three or four years. That was a lot of fun. We used to race other J-24's. We weren't very good, but we always had a good time. However, in one of the races we did manage to come in first place. We were whooping and hollering. All the other boats clapped for us. Another time it was Leukaemia Cup races. They had this two day event every year and people from all over would participate. Saturday was a good day for sailing. Sunday wasn't. The winds were strong and the water rough. I said to Dave, who was driving the boat, "You know what I'm reading Dave. The Perfect Storm. That is not the best book in the world to be reading right now with weather like this". Several boats went over on their sides. We only had one race that day. Luckily everyone got back safe and sound. I do say, excluding that, I miss sailing very much.
This was last Sunday. It was very windy and chilling. This seagull keep flapping it's wings, but got no where.
This was at Pierce's Point. There were all these birds flying over the meadows. I didn't have my binoculars with so I don't know what they are.
This is the meadow's at Pierce's Point
I love this sign. This is at Pierce's Point.
This is at the end High's Road.
The crocus in my mom's yard.
Well tonight I am going to a friend's house for ham and cabbage dinner. There will be several of us there and should be a good time.
Tomorrow is the last owl watch for the spring. The bummer part is it is supposed to be very windy so I don't think we will get to see any owls. Maybe there will be some Bald Eagles.
Well I think I have taken up enough of everyone time. Until next time I hope everyone has a good weekend.
Get it out of your system, girl. Tell us how you really feel!
The cat pictures are really great - and that first one of the Cooper's hawk! Yes, it enlarges now.
Love the fog on Cape May Haror, too.
Oh, you know I can't do a whole comment without a typo. "Harbor", that is.
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