Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I was skimming this article in the Press of Atlantic City and read this paragraph, 'The governor spent $23.6 million through Friday, according to the reports, and raised $24.1 million. Christie has raised $11.7 million, including $7.3 million in public matching funds from the State, and spent $8.8 million.' Excuse the language, but what the fuck is this about.

These people should be ashamed of themselves. Raising and spending this amount of money. For what? The fucking title of Governor. A title so they can screw this State up more than what it is already.

Do they realize that there are people out there losing their jobs. Homes. How many people cannot afford health care. People who cannot afford the medications they desperately need. People who cannot afford to put food on their table. As you know, the list just goes on and on.

And what does 'including $7.3 million in public matching fund from the state' mean? I think it means that the good residents of this State forked out $7.3 mill. 7.3 MILLION DOLLARS. For what???

I know I could come up with ways to spend this amount of money. I can tell you it wouldn't be used toward some fucking title. It would be used for the people and for the good of the people


bobbie said...


Kay said...

We got stuff like that happening over here, too.

Deborah Godin said...

Fixed spending makes a lot more sense, but it'll never happen. Politics is big business.

Rachel said...

I've never understood it. It makes no sense the money they raise and spend to get into an office that doesn't pay that much! I agree with you!

Gretchen said...

You're preaching to the choir, sister! There is so much wrong in the world of politics, that I'm not sure it can be saved as it is now. Maybe it's time for something new? Not the one who raises the most gets the title, but the one who actually helps? Is that too radical?

MmeBenaut said...

I'm with you absolutely on this one Lisa. I've always been disgusted at the amount of money Americans pour into politics. In our States, the government of the day simply appoints our Governor (State) and at the Federal level, the Governor-General. No election, no fund-raising, no cost whatsoever.
Perhaps America could learn from us on this one.
Well written and it is interesting that just yesterday I was contemplating why lotto winners always seem to be f...wits who blow the money instead of little nuns like Mother Teresa.