Saturday, July 26, 2008

My Blogger friend up dah pawkway, Dianne of Forks Off The Moment, gave me an award. She is witty, sincere, creative, oh gosh. The list goes on and on. Stop by her blog, see for yourself and say hello.

There are so many blogs that I would love to give the award to. Every one I read makes me smile and leave great comments. So reluctantly, I have narrowed the list down to this:

Mmebenaut My blogger friend from down under. She has a wonderful blog and definitely worth visiting. She writes from the heart and is so compassionate to other bloggers with her comments.

Lisa The Butterfly Farmer. She has had a rough go of it of late, but she is coming along. She doesn't post a lot, but when she does it always brings a smile and a good laugh.

Rachel Sliding Through Life. She also has a lot on her plate, but she is always upbeat with a fun story to share. Every Sunday she posts a Sunday sign. Always guaranteed to bring a smile.

Christine Possumlady Place. She does a lot of posts about, yes my favorite subject, pets and animals. She is very sincere when she writes and I always learn something from her.

And last, but definitely not least. My good friend Bobbie - Almost There. I call her daily, with most times during the week, a rant about what happened in work that day. She always has good advise and her voice is calming and yes she always brings a smile to my face or has a good comment that always makes me feel better. And there are laughs. Just yesterday while on the phone with her, her daughter came over. What Bobbie said had me rolling. I asked if I could blog about that. With a laugh, the answer was NO. Sorry folks, but that is just between us three girls.

I hope that everyone takes some time to visit my chosen recipient's. They are good people and I am glad that I have found them.

I went to Cape May Point aka the Point on Sunday. I took a different path this time. This is a long dirt path with dunes on one side and a lake on the other. There is always birds of some sort in the lake and I enjoy watching and taking pictures of them. At one section there were three baby ducklings and then I noticed mama or daddy on land watching over them. (I have a picture, but your gonna have to come back tomorrow to see it. I have decided to participate in Camera Critters and this is the picture I decided to use) I watched them for a while because they were just so damn cute playing around in the water. I went over the dune and started my walk along the ocean. It was windy and the ocean was very angry. I kept scanning for dolphins, but I couldn't see any for all the whitecaps. I felt very uncomfortable walking because I couldn't find my stride. I finally gave up and started back. I did stop by the Least Tern nesting area. I was laughing my ass off at them. They were trying the damnest to attack me, but the wind was to strong for them. When I got back over the dune, I decided to take another path to see where that would lead. I ended up at another lake with a pair of swans and Canadian Geese.

(I love this shot. The swan on the left has dipped her head and the reflection in the lake looks like a heart.)

On my way back to the car I stopped at the lake hoping for another look at the ducklings. They were in the middle of the lake with mama/daddy. They were darting around having the time of their little lives. And mama/daddy was just as proud as can be.

Further along the path, I came across mama/daddy on the bank just standing there as if on the lookout for danger.

My day was over and I was hoping the next time I came, the three ducklings would still be there.

I haven't been doing much walking this week. Not because my foot has been bothering me. It has, but not as bad. But because it was so damn hot and humid and I haven't been feeling up to par. For some reason, the heat and humidity really bothered me this week. Tuesday I got ready to walk out the door, but I changed my mind. I ended up on the couch reading a magazine.

Wednesday night I went to ceramics. Our ceramics teacher was in a bad mood. This isn't something that is new. I think because she is around a bunch of women she feels she can vent to us and it won't go any further then there. Which is true except now. She was saying that her husband asked her to do one thing this summer. He belongs to a club and they have a barbecue every summer. The barbecue was on Saturday so he asked her to close the shop at 3: PM and come with him. She said that the regulars for that class didn't come until two o'clock. She told them that they could only paint for an hour because she was closing at 3. They were fine with this. She said that when she was getting ready to leave, a lady and her three kids came into the shop. She remembered them from last year because her daughter had broke a bell. She explained to the lady that she was closing in a couple of minutes. The lady acted as if she didn't hear her and continued to browse. The son started for the back room and my teacher told him he wasn't allowed back there. Finally my teacher said to the lady, "Look. I have to close. My husband and I are going out and I am already late. I really need you to leave." With that the lady left with my teacher following shortly after. When she got in on Monday there was a message on her answering machine. She played it for us. "I was just in your store and I just want to say how rude you are. I don't know how anyone as rude as you is still in business. You have an attitude problem. I will never come back and I am going to put a Spout-Off in about how rude you are and people shouldn't shop at your store." Personally I thought this was funny. My teacher said she checked both the paper and the internet and there wasn't any Spout-Off. We started saying that we were going to put Spout-Offs in about how wonderful she is and so on. A little later on my friend said something that got teach going again. I said, "Oh boy. With an attitude like that, I'm going to change my Spout-Off to agree with that lady." That got teach laughing. We just joked about that all night. For me, this is what ceramics night is all about. A night out with friends having fun - joking around.

I made myself to to the Point Thursday. I took the same path as Sunday in hopes of seeing the ducklings again. There were a lot of egrets, a pair of swans and Canadian Geese. When I got to the spot that I had seen the ducklings, I stopped and started scanning. I didn't see them, but something close in the water caught my eye. I got closer and was shocked to see this.

A crab. I said to myself, "Uh. I thought this was a freshwater pond." Something else caught my eye. A snake. Well I started doing my "oh-oh-oh" snake dance and started to walk away from there. A gentleman was coming down the path looking at me strangely. Who wouldn't seeing that little dance. I said there is a snake. I don't do snakes. There is also a crab in the lake. He came over and asked where the crab was. I said, "I got it's picture. Wouldn't you rather see that?". Of course the answer was no. So gathering courage, knowing that if the snake appeared again, I would throw him in it's path, I walked back over to the lake to show him the crab. He said, "I'll be damned. I thought this was a freshwater lake. There must be enough salt in there for them to survive." Turned out we saw many crabs flitting around. he then asked where the snake was. To which I promptly said, "I don't care where it is as long as it is far away from me." We talked for awhile. I asked him if he saw and was attacked by the Terns. He said that he saw them, but no he wasn't attacked. He said that he was never attacked by Terns, but his wife was. He said that his wife told him that not only to they try to attack, but when they attack, they try and crap on you. He said that he never heard of this and she must be nuts. I laughed, but told him his wife wasn't nuts. I was a victim of one of these attacks. We chatted a little while longer and then parted ways.

It was low tide, which was good because there was harder sand to walk on. The ocean was very calm and the waves crashing were very soothing. There was lots of dolphins and they were very close to shore. I stopped to watch them and one jumped out of the water 20 or 30 feet in front of me. There was an older couple walking close by and like a little kid said to them, "Oh my gosh. Did you see that? Did you? Wasn't that awesome? That was so cool." Yes dear. We saw it. They have been jumping all day. Oh. Well then. We chatted for a while and on our way we went. I kept scanning the ocean and in the distance you could see a dolphin slapping it's tail on the water. Very cool. I met up with the same couple. He pointed out a school of bluefish close to shore. I asked them if they seen the dolphin slapping the water out yonder? Out yonder. Where are you from? With shoulder back and head held high I answered, "born and raised here." I love the strange look that people get. Makes me laugh. It turns out that they are both in their seventies and walk the beach everyday. I would have never put them in their seventies. Early sixties yes.

I found my stride and off I went. On the way back a family asked me if I would take their picture for them. Of course I would. I hope it turns out for them. I was scanning the lake again looking for the ducklings hoping to see them and that they would okay.

Yesterday morning this guy was walking down my street. I think he has lost his way.

Yesterday when I got over the dune, I was immediately attacked from behind by a sneaky little Tern. This time I was minding my own business and no where near their nesting area. You can't help but laugh when they do this. When you hear them, you think it is some huge bird, but when you see them, they are so small. It was low tide again and easy walking. There were some dolphins, but not like the day before. There was a seagull that landed in the water. He started spinning like a top. I slowed to watch and try to figure out what it was doing. I realized that he was trying to catch a bait fish. He was doing pretty good until a larger wave came in. He seen it coming and tried to fly out of the water with his catch before it hit him. He did not succeed. The wave hit him and he went under. He popped up a short distance away only to be hit by another wave. He was finally able to get out of there. I felt sorry for him. He lost his fish.

I meet up with the same couple as the day before. We chatted some more. They are a really nice couple and look forward to seeing them again.

I went up to the Terns nesting site. I was immediately under attack. I don't do this to disturb them. I do this in the hopes that I can see a baby tern. But I must say that I do enjoy the spunk, determination and fire of these birds. While I was laughing and ducking, I heard, "The bird that is defending it's territory from the lady is a tern. This is their nesting site." I turned around to see the Whale Watcher boat close to shore. The way the wind was blowing, it was easy to hear them over the PA system. If I were the type of person to embarrass easily, I would have been. But I'm not. So I waved.

Well tomorrow is weigh in day. Hopefully even though I didn't walk for a couple of days, it still lost something.

Well that's it for now. I have really rambled on enough for one post. Don't forget. If you want to see a picture of the three little ducklings, stop by tomorrow. If you don't stop by, have a good weekend.


M.Benaut said...

WOW !!
I am sorry to have not been to your blog before, Lisa.
You cover so much territory and in so much wonderful detail.

Madame will have a ripper surprise when she wakes in the morning; (it's 3 AM), here in Adelaide.

Have a nice weekend; and thank you for your kind words.

bobbie said...

Thank you so much, Lisa, for the award. I must say, right back atcha.
I'm always happy when I see you on Caller ID. I don't mind your rants either. They usually concern something I share your feelings about anyway. And we do usually end with a laugh. Thanks for not spilling the beans on what I said.

Rachel said...

Thank you so much for the award! How very nice of you and the kind words!! I sure did enjoy this post. You have such a nice place to walk by the ocean, and getting to see so much wildlife!

I'm not familiar with terns but they do sound like fiesty birds and very protective! I don't think getting crapped on would be very good but definitely funny! I love the picture of the swan with the reflection looking like a heart!

i beati said...

excellent music

Dianne said...

I loves ya Lisa!

The light in some of those middle photo is astonishing! golden!! I love you photos and I love how you relate to every creature you encounter

The humidity is killing me!

MmeBenaut said...

Well Lisa, it took several days before I got here because the link from M.B's computer wouldn't work and then his computer wouldn't work and he finally fixed it tonight, just after midnight. I've just had a speed of your incredible post - wow, that was a long one with beautiful photos and a very lovely surprise too. You are so sweet dear and I appreciate my award very, very much. It's 1.40 am so I shall come back tomorrow and catch up on the rest of your posts. Thank you sweetie.

possumlady said...

Wow! Thanks so much Lisa! Between my horrible stress-filled job and three of my cats passing away within four months, I really feel I haven't been on the ball regarding my posts and especially regarding keeping up with other blogs and commenting. So, basically, I don't feel worthy, but will try to live up to the award and do better in the coming months!

I loved reading about your ceramics class and teacher. My aunt used to teach ceramics in her basement and my mother would go to her house once a week to make something but, I think really just to get away from all us kids and gossip among friends.

Thanks again for the award!

Lisa said...

you are too kind. Thank you and ditto! You always make me smile too. I'm trying to be around more often... it's hard to figure out how personal to be and if not personal, then what?

well, i'm working on it... and on trying to be funny again... the writing and the stories are harder than they used to be... but the kindness i've found in the blogging community is really great. Like now, with my new award. :)

Anonymous said...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
