Sunday, August 31, 2008

Weigh in day, Hereford Inlet & Award

Hello! It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood. The sun is shining, it is quiet while writing this and I lost two more pounds. After the disappointment the past couple of weeks, it is a beautiful day. Hopefully I'm back on track. Total weight loss 24 pounds.


I have a lot of vacation and personal time that I must use by the end of the year or lose it. Well I am not about to let them take it away, so I checked the forecast on the Internet and decided Wednesday was a perfect day to take off. I had called Bobbie and asked if she would like to join me for a visit to Hereford Inlet. Hurray! She said yes.

Our first stop was along North Wildwood Blvd. where earlier in the season we took pictures of a couple of osprey nest and babies. We knew that there wouldn't be any babies, but maybe some adult. And yes there were.

I took many more then just this one, but this one turned out best. When I tried to get a little closer, she/he flew away.

Onward to Hereford Inlet we went. When I parked, Bobbie was so excited with all the butterflies. You can see her on the right with camera positioned for the shot.

(The shade garden)

(Monarch Butterfly, I think)

(I don't know what this one is)

It was a very nice day. Sun shining, cool temperatures and good company. All in all one of my best days off. I had asked Bobbie if she would like to go to the Nature Center in Goshen, but she was tiring, so we will save that for another day. I was going to go myself, but I changed my mind and went to the Nature Center by Lily Lake.


Kay of Musings gave me a SuperCommenter Award. Ah Shucks. I am flattered.

There are rules attached to this award, (pass the award onto seven people), but I think I am going to break that rule. Sorry Kay. I always feel bad only giving an award to so many people because I feel everyone deserves an award. So I welcome anyone who visits and see this award or any award on my sidebar, to please feel free to take it and pass it onto to someone you think is deserving or to just make their day.


Today would have been my dad's 77th birthday. He has been gone now for 16 years. I cannot tell you how much I miss him. So to my Dad "Happy Birthday. I love you."


Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying the Labor Day weekend. Until next time, have fun.


Mare said...

Funny that you started with, It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood." I say/sing that all the time. Love your music. Enjoy your posts.

bobbie said...

Congratulations on losing more weight, and congratulations on your new award.

I enjoyed our visit to Hereford. But I wish you had posted more of your beautiful pictures. These are great, but you have so many more really great ones.

Kay said...

What a wonderful day you had. It looks like so much fun. I love your idea for the Award. I'm always flattered about the awards but it's such a struggle to pass them out. I'm going to do what you did from now on. :-)

Dianne said...

congrats on your award

I love the photo of the shade garden!!

Ingrid said...

What a surprise to meet deers in a parc ! That would never happen here, too many people in the parcs !

Rachel said...

What a nice day! Everything is so pretty! Hope you have had a wonderful Labor Day.

Hoorah for the lbs. lost!!

Cliff said...

Good on you Lisa for losing more weight. You are my idol.
Glad the tour went well. You sure know how to do it. Keep it up.

Gretchen said...

Everyone needs more days off! Those are beautiful photos. :)

Misty DawnS said...

GREAT post! It truly does sound like a beautiful day!

By the way, your second butterfly, the black one, is a Swallowtail.