Sunday, August 10, 2008

Weigh in Day, more swallows & Sand Art

Well that day is here again. The dreaded weigh in day. I was really dreading weigh in today because I haven't been walking as much as I would have like this past week. And I have my period and craving chocolate something fierce. The chocolate craving won out last night. I had one of those Betty Crocker Warm Delights Fudgy Chocolate Chip Cookie things, very good. I recommend it. Generally on weigh in day, I hop on the scale shortly after getting out of bed, but I put it off a little longer today because I thought I had gained. Well to my surprise I lost another two pounds. So the grand total is 23 pounds. I had said that when I lose 25 pounds, I was going to treat myself to a slice of Chocolate Lovin' Spoon Cake. Well tomorrow night, I am going out to dinner with a couple friends. The restaurant we are going serves this decadent-delicious-rich chocolate cake. I believe I am going to treat myself even though I haven't lost 25 pounds. To me, it is close enough. After all it is only two more pounds, right?

I must toot my own horn again, I have lost 23 pounds. :)


When I was out for a smoke this past week at work, the swallows were agitated and swooping me. I really didn't pay that much attention, just found it amusing. Well on Friday, they were even more agitated. I had my back to the fourth nest and thought I heard the sound of babies. When I turned to look, one of the parents was flying away from the nest, but didn't see any babies. When I went out again, I looked and sure enough we have babies again. This is the first year that all four nests had babies. I know there are at least three babies in this nest. This is exciting. So far this year with the other three nests, we have had eight babies, so now we will have either 11 or 12.


On Friday, I left work early and went to Cape May. There was a sand sculpting contest earlier in the morning. Here is some of the sand art that people created.

Well I am going to leave you with another "A Moment for You" from Woman's World magazine.
"You touch more lives than you think.
If you've ever doubted whether you have an impact on the world around you, doubt no more. Because every act of kindness, every word of encouragement, every smile counts! You don't need a million dollars to make difference. You just need heart. And you've got that!" Author unknown.


Anonymous said...
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bobbie said...

Guitar, turtle and dog - I LOVE them. Especially the turtle!

And 23 pounds. Just shut up. I don't need to hear it.

Hey! Got gas today, at $3.63 !!!

Teena in Toronto said...

Congrats on your loss! I weigh in on Fridays.

Kay said...

Congratulations on your happy weight loss. I've always loved sand art. Maybe it's the impermanence of it.

Gretchen said...

Just getting back from the beach, I enjoyed your photos. :)

Tink *~*~* said...

Love that sand sculpting contest. There's one down here on Fort Myers Beach in the fall - in fact, I've got a poll going on my blog at the moment regarding which local events to attend, and the sand sculpting contest is winning, I think.

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Michele said...

Yay... good for you for losing the weight and you so deserve the yummy dessert!! I lost 80 pounds and I have 30 pounds more to go but I'm taking my time with it! I understand the struggles and you are awesome!! You go girl!! WOOHOO! And those sandcastles are awesome! Cool stuff.
Mountain Retreat

Kay said...

By the way, I just had two Dove's dark chocolate squares. Mmmmm.... It always cures my chocolate craving.

Ingrid said...

Isn't that amawing what people can do with sand ? We had an exposition in Brugge (Belgium)

Luna und Luzie said...

Thank you for visiting my blog.
Wow, congratulations for your weight loss.
Those are great sand scuptures!

Mary said...

Lisa, great sand art! I used to sit and watch the sculpters on the beach at OC, MD for as long as my family would allow.

Boy I'd love to see a next of swallows...I'm always looking up to places they might be!

Congratulations on your 23 lbs! You must be enjoying the feel of loose clothing and shopping for new. It's been years since I had that feeling... Sigh.

Keep going with it. Once slice of cake won't matter. Just walk an extra 15 minutes.