Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Okay, so yesterday I am reading the newspaper and on the front page is this title "Shots fired at house in Middle Township". Please take a couple of minutes to read.

So did anyone but me find this story bizarre? Someone you don't know comes to your door looking for your son. You invite this person in, ask them to wait in the living room, but find it odd when said person follows behind you to your son's bedroom. You get said person name to give to son and the person leaves. You must satisfy your caffeine craving and go make coffee, (I'm with you there). You hear what sounds like glass shattering and realize someone is shooting at your house. If you didn't read the article, here is the owner of the house quote. "That's really unnerving. You're trying to get a cup of coffee, and someone shoots up your house." Unnerving. WTF. I would be shitting myself and face down on the floor, screaming my head off. I love this line. Boyd now thinks the name the suspect gave was phony. (YOU THINK.) He was reluctant to explain his suspicions for fear it might get in the way of the police investigation. (OH BOY). Then a police officer says. "It might be a good idea if they stayed with relatives for a little while." (WTF, YOU THINK, OH BOY)

I don't have children, and if I did, I may not know all my kids friend's, but would hope that I was the type of parent that did. If I were home and a suspicious person comes to my door, I would not invite them in. I would ask them to please wait and I would go check. Now if for some reason, I had a brain fart and let the person in, asked them to wait in the living and they follow closely behind me, I would hope that my instincts kick in and do something crazy to get this person out of my home. Now if I was trying to get my caffeine and someone shot up my house, this would be just cause for some whoop ass.

Seriously I don't know what I would do in this situation. I would definitely not invite someone I don't know into my home.

Like I said before, I just find this story bizarre. What to you think?


bobbie said...

Yes. I think I would call it bizarre to say the least.

Gretchen said...

Very bizarre. Guess this is why NOBODY gets in my house if I don't know them. This stuff doesn't happen in our area because most people have CCW and if you shoot at someone's house they probably have a gun or two and will shoot right back. Gotta love the Second Amendment! :)

Shelly said...

Sometimes I won't answer the door if I don't know them...sad but true. Too many goofballs out there have made me wary.

Dianne said...

everyone involved sounds really really stupid. like an episode of that horrible show 'Cops' where long term brain damage appears to be widespread.

Kitty said...

I'm going with WTF, OH BOY, and WHOOP ASS.

This is the part of journalism I actually enjoy -- where you just print the quotes and let the people reveal themselves. This kind of story is why we'll never run out of SNL skits or Daily Show material - even now that the debates are done.

Maybe I'm weird, but this gave me a much needed laugh.

MmeBenaut said...

I'm so glad that guns aren't allowed in our country; not that they don't exist but generally, no-one has them unless they are licensed professionally.
Crazy story!

Cliff said...

Yep, you've trumped anything I can come up with.
Wait! The neighbors had a cow get out.
Keep your head down and the gun loaded.

Mary said...

The man is lucky to be alive after making such a stupid mistake. Allowing a stranger into your house is unthinkable in this day and age. Bizarre and odd, yes! It's enough to make us paranoid, actually...

Marla said...

Thanks for visitng my blog by way of the good man Cliff. It is a pity that youc can't trust anyone now days!