Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Last night & Spirits

Well we don't have rain today, but as I said yesterday, we still have wind. Reading the paper this morning said that we had some wind gusts over 60 MPH. A roof blow off a hotel in Wildwood, trees down and power outages.

Last night on my way to the library for the "Spirits from beyond the grave" thing was somewhat of a challenge. The strong wind was blowing my car around like a match box car. What was eerie was along with the strong wind, most of Route 47 was without electric. When I got to the intersection to turn, there were cops. With the flashing light, I couldn't tell if the intersection was opened or not. I stopped and asked one of the officers, who said it was. He proceeded to tell me to drive slow because there wasn't electric. Well no shit Sherlock. Luckily the library still had electric.

There was a magic show for the kids when I got there. It must have been great cause you could hear them screaming and laughing. It was cute to watch them after the show. Most were dressed in their Halloween costumes.

The weather didn't keep people from coming out for the magic show or this class. The room was packed. There were picture boards of the different areas that they had been and photos of orbs. They talked about some of the places that they had been and had recordings of spirits. That was kind of eerie. There was also some video of orbs and mist. All in all it was pretty interesting. They have a website which they say has some video and recordings. I haven't checked it out yet, but if your interested, here is the site.

There are some who do not believe there are spirits amongst us, but I do. After my dad died, I came home from work. At the time I was working in a restaurant and after work, well you stunk. I had put the TV on and settled on a movie. I hopped in the shower and when I was getting dressed, I was listening to the TV. What was being said had nothing to do with the movie. They were talking about sharks. Great White sharks. When I went into the living room, the TV was on a different channel. My dad knew my love of sharks, Great White sharks, and I believe he changed the channel.

When my house was being renovated, Danny came over everyday to check on the progress. He died before the renovations were done. After I moved back in, sometimes at night when I was watching TV, I would get this sudden chill (this was in August) and feeling that someone was around. I would walk around the house and outside checking to see if anyone was there. No one was. This happened several times. The last time this happened, I said, "Alright Danny. I know it is you. I hope you like what I have done with this place." I never got the feeling again.

So yes, I do believe in spirits. They do walk amongst us.


Ralph said...

Sounds like the weather was quite challenging. Don’t you just love it when someone (even a police officer) states the obvious?

bobbie said...

I guess Danny approves of what you've done with the house. He should. It's beautiful.

MmeBenaut said...

That drive sounds scary. Sometimes I feel that my grandmother is around, helping me. I adored her and lived with her until I was 6. She died aged 99!