Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weigh in day & an award

Last week I reported that my scale must have been broken because I had gained two pounds. Well this week the scale is not broken. I guess with my attack on fleas I burned a lot of calories because I lost three pounds. Total weight loss - 26 pounds.

I would like to say that I have won the flea battle, but I have not. I believe I am gaining some ground, but I still have some of the dirty bastards. I will keep up the attack and hopefully soon will be victorious.

During the night, my baby did come into bed with me to cuddle. This is the first time in a very long time that she has done this. I think she has not come in was because of fleas. She has taken the high road for quite a few weeks now. She has gotten herself as far off the floor as possible. Only getting down long enough to use the litter box, eat and drink. So last night was a victory. I don't want to put the cart before the horse, but I see this as a good sign.

Bobbie has given me this award. I really feel honored because my blog is nothing special. I am all over the place with my thoughts. I really don't express my feelings unless it pertains to my baby or the kittens. I hold my feelings and thoughts close to me. When I finally do talk about something that is bothering me, I have put much thought into it first.

Anyway, I didn't want to go off on that. So I thank Bobbie very much for this award. I will proudly place it on my sidebar.
As always I rebel with the rules for awards. Every blogger out there deserves this award. So please feel free to take it and display it proudly in your blog.
There is a girl in work on light duty. She has been floating around from office to office helping out. She is in my building helping those assholes with their new filing system. The copy machine is in the room with their filing system. On Friday I went in to make copies. She informed me that I glide when I walk. What? What does that mean? She said that when I walk I glide. You are very quiet when you walk. I smiled and said, "It is amazing, huh? Someone of my size being so light on my feet. I have always been that way. It does make it hard for people to hear me coming." I told my boss and laughed. I said I didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or insult. I'm taking it as a compliment.
Be careful who and what you talk about. You never no who maybe walking upon you.
Another Friday story. When I came home, my neighbor stopped me and wanted me to tell Bobbie this story. Somehow her one granddaughter seen McCain's picture. She said, "Grandmom, that is John McCain." She said, "You know who that is?" She said, "Yes. He is running for the president of the United States." Impressed she asked her if she knew who he is running against. The answer, "I sure do. He is running against Mike Beck." I laughed. Mike Beck is running for Mayor here in the Township. He is also my neighbor's teacher. BTW her granddaughter is eight years old. Gotta love it.
Well that's all for now. I hope everyone had a great Saturday and have a wonderful Sunday. :o)


bobbie said...

First - congratulations on the weight loss!

I guess the 8 year old saw my Beck sign on the lawn and figured he was running for President against McCain. Pretty funny! Wonder if Mike Beck knows about this. We should tell him.

Cliff said...

Dear Glider,
Maybe you've got fleas sucking 3 pounds of blood.
Really, congrats on the loss!!

Gretchen said...

Congrats on the weight loss and our award! :)

Too funny about your granddaughter. Kids remember the funniest thing, don't they?

MmeBenaut said...

I'm so glad that your baby is back snuggling with you. I can't sleep unless my baby, Sascha is cuddled up next to me.
26 pounds - holy moly - you must be a shadow of your former self Lisa, no wonder you glide when you walk! And I love your blog too. :)