Saturday, February 27, 2010

It's been a good day

Stopped at the post office, and ran into Bobbie's daughter Rita. I asked where she was going and she told me the hardware store and then to visit her mom. I told her I would take her to the hardware store. Bobbie and I live right down the street from there, so she could walk to the house.

When we were leaving the post office, Bobbie past us on her way to the drugstore. I dropped Rita at the hardware store and went on my way. After Rita was done in the hardware store, she went to Bobbie's.

I am looking for a new bed set. So I went to Vineland. First stop, Target. They didn't have anything I liked. Next stop Kohl's. Ditto for there. Next stop, K-mart. I needed shoes and they carry the kind I like. Picked them up and looked at their bedding. They didn't have anything I liked.

K-mart now has a rewards card I got a couple weeks ago. The cashier scanned my card and shoes. Her register said I was a winner. Oh boy! I won. What did I win?

A candy bar. It was actually more aggravating redeeming my winning then it was worth. But hey, dessert tonight.

I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond. I had to go to the bathroom and there was someone in the ladies room. I really had to go, so I went into the men's room. Hey. when you gotta go. You gotta go. OMG. Men are such slobs.

I looked at their bedding. Nada. I guess I am a very picky person when it comes to my bedding.

I have been looking for a draft guard and lo and behold, they had them.

After there, I went to BJ's wholesale. They don't have bedding, so no disappointment there.

With my supplies stocked up, I came home. And these awaited me at the front door.

Aren't they pretty? They're from Bobbie, thanking me for all I've done for her plus a little touch of spring.

It really wasn't necessary, but it sure is appreciated.

So all in all, it's been a very good day.


Mare said...

How thoughtful to send flowers!! The Hershey bar? I agree with ya!

Kay said...

How very sweet of Bobbie! They're lovely and I'll bet they smell wonderful.

You were in the men's bathroom? Do you know I goofed and did that in Jordan? Talk about really, really making a bad mistake. Sheesh!

Kay said...

And good luck with the bedding hunt! I'm still looking for a bedroom set. Sigh.

Rachel said...

I just got one of KMart's reward cards a couple of days ago. Gee, now I can perhaps look forward to winning a candy bar!

Finding bedding can be hard sometimes, finding just the right pattern to suit your taste. I'm not so crazy about the last set I got. Next time I need to take more care in my selecting.

The flowers are beautiful and certainly look springy!!

MmeBenaut said...

Beautiful flowers Lisa and a fun if frustrating day's shopping.