Sunday, February 14, 2010

A little squirrely today

Had a cute visitor today.

Take a look at his/her foot.

Just that weird lady taking my picture.

I know there's more down here somewhere.

Do you smell that?

Gee! Doesn't she ever give up with that camera?
I love how his/her front paws are balled into little fists.
So that's all I have today except


bobbie said...

Pretty doggone cute! Happy Valentine's Day!

Rachel said...

That squirrel is cute as can be!! I enjoyed all the pictures! Looks like he had fun digging in all that snow looking for goodies under there!

Hope you had a good Valentine's Day!

veterankindergartenteacher said...


MmeBenaut said...

Oh, these are good Lisa! He/she is so cute! And the sun shining on the snow looks so pretty.

Cliff said...

Thanks for the visit. I went with yahoo mail.
Great pics of what they call Gods little speed bumps. At least around here they do. They (the sq's)need to make up their minds and then stick with the decision. :)
I've always liked your playlist and I don't know how that thing works but I was reminded yesterday of a song I hear every few years when I hear it I always think, "Man, that's my favorite performance of all time." Since we seem to like the same music you might recognize this. Listen to the entire thing, the guitar gets really good. It's at:

Mare said...

You are quite the photographer!!I wish that I could find squirrels as fascinating! They are very, very smart, though! Persistant, too.

Kay said...

Oh wow! These are fabulous fun, photos. Love it! No snow here but it's a colder than usual winter in Hawaii.